National Rural Health Foundation

Rural Health Care Needs Your Help

Rural Health Care Needs Your Help

NRHA's National Rural Health Foundation has undertaken a renewed campaign to support programs that identify emerging leaders from, and for, rural communities to provide them with the training and resources necessary to play a lead role in ensuring access to quality health care for rural Americans.

The facts

More than 130 rural hospitals have closed since 2010.More than 62 million rural Americans – of which just over 1 percent are responsible for feeding much of the world – depend almost exclusively on 1,800 hospitals for health care – 600 of which are considered 'at risk' for closure.Many health care professionals working outside of hospitals – pharmacists, optometrists, therapists and more – are also in need of support, including for recruiting, workforce development, training and more. 

The solution

Rural-relevant leadership programs have documented and proven results in improving the health status of the community, as well as the financial well-being of rural facilities. These focused leadership programs, particularly tailored for the small community environment, result in relevant, dynamic, high-quality leadership. Many leaders have either not been formally trained in these unique rural environments or for the required executive skills. 

The challenge

NRHA's National Rural Health Foundation has launched the NRHA Leadership Challenge. The Foundation is charged with raising an initial $1 million through this vital campaign to fund scholarships and operational support. Your personal donation or corporate support for this challenge will help current and future rural health care leaders through two programs:

  1. The Rural Health Fellows Leadership Program, a year-long intensive national training
  2. The Center for Rural Health Leadership, a high-impact, hands-on hospital speciality training for C-level executives

Many executives and leaders have already participated in these critical programs, seeing an immediate return and making a difference in their communities. Thank you for your support of rural health.


The Rural Health Leadership and Education Foundation (RHLEF) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Your contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Consult your tax adviser for more information.

Rosemary McKenzie Legacy Award

Rosemary McKenzie's passion for rural health and dedication to multicultural and multiracial populations were unparalleled. Rosemary served as the National Rural Health Association's minority liaison and program services manager in the Kansas City, Mo., office for 27 years. She died in 2011 due to complications from pancreatic cancer.

To carry on Rosemary McKenzie's legacy and honor her memory, the National Rural Health Association has established the Rosemary McKenzie Legacy Award to be presented annually during the Health Equity Conference, a conference she predominantly and passionately coordinated. The award winner will receive free registration to the 2018 conference and a $1,000 stipend to be used for travel and accommodations for the event, where they will be recognized.

To donate, send a tax-deductible contribution to 406 West 34th St., Suite 408/409 Kansas City, MO 64111. Please make checks out to "Rural Health Leadership and Education Foundation" and indicate "Rosemary Legacy Fund" on the memo line.You can also donate directly to the Rosemary Legacy fund through the PayPal button below.

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